Young or old what girl doesn’t like makeup? I love to play with makeup and my girls are the same way. My two year old loves makeup so much that she will get into her big sister’s stash of “real” makeup any chance she gets. When I was contacted by I knew this review would be the perfect opportunity to get L her own set of makeup to play with.
She immediately took the makeup out of the cute hot pink tulle bag and dumped it on the ground to inspect everything. I was just as eager to see what the difference was going to be between this pretend makeup and other brands I have seen. I was happy to find that all of the brushes were made with real soft bristles instead of hard plastic like other pretend sets. The eyeshadow and powder are a soft foam so they have great texture and feel a lot like the real thing but are totally pretend. The lip gloss is great because it rolls just like a real lip gloss, but the container is empty so no mess.
I thought that there was no way L was going to like her set as much as the “real” stuff my older daughter has, but she has surprised me. She will come in multiple times a day to find her little bag of makeup and apply all of the different items. I think that the texture and real brushes make her feel like she is getting the real deal, and I have no messes to clean up! My older daughter even enjoys playing with L’s makeup–aren’t they so sweet giving each other makeovers?

BUY IT: You can order your own pretend makeup set directly from .
WIN IT: One lucky YGTB fan with win an Essential set (pictured to the right)! Enter below.
Good Luck! Thank you for entering our giveaways!
My little one is still too young for this, but I have a niece who would love it!
Good luck everyone.
my daughter just turned 13 so she gets to wear makeup and her 10 yr old sister is jealous
My daughter would so love this!!!! She always wants to put on my makeup!!!!
My little one is 7 this week, perfect age! She loves makeup, but we don’t let her wear much!
I want to win this for my daughter!
My 3 daughters! They are 5,3,2. I have to hid all my makeup and nailpolish. I cant count how many times I’ve caught little faces, floors, mirrors, counters… everything COVERED in makeup!
My daughter for sure would love this!
I would love to win this for my daughter. She loves playing with makeup.
for my granddaughter
My 3 yr old daughter would love it
My daughter would love this.
My little grand-daughters would love this!
My niece would have so much fun with this. She loves playing dress-up and I have to hide my makeup from her!
This would be a great gift for my daughter
Oh my gosh, this is so cute. I know the perfect little girl who would enjoy it.
i would LOVE to win this for my niece.. she loves makeup and has 2 brothers so she doesnt really get to enjoy the girly girl things unless me or one pf my other sisters has her. And i would love to surprise her with this makeup..
I’d love to win this for my Niece
My daughter needs this. She loves playing in my makeup, this would be a great alternative.
This would be for my 5yr old daughter.
I’ve been looking for something like this for years! I would love this set for my daughters who both have birthdays coming up. Thanks for the review and wonderful giveaway, hope i win
My granddaughter.
My cousin