Woolzies Review and Giveaway (Ends 7/29)

I am not a huge fan of household chores but laundry is actually something I enjoy doing! I love having clean clothes, seeing stains disappear from my kids’ clothes and the organizational part of me lives for folding clothes. While I enjoy doing laundry I hate spending so much money on detergent and fabric softener. I also don’t like the chemicals and dyes that are in my detergents! I have been looking into alternative options and that is how I heard about .photo 1

Woolzies are dryer balls that are handmade in New Zealand from natural wool fibers. They naturally soften your laundry without any of the chemicals that are used in traditional fabric softeners. Here are some of the things I love about Woolzies:

Soften Naturallyphoto 3

Reduce Drying Time By 25%

Reduce Static

Environmentally Friendly

Help Eliminate Wrinkles

Chemical Free

Safe For People With Wool Sensitivities


Handmade From Fine New Zealand Wool

This is a long list of promises and I have to admit I was skeptical. I was worried that they would ding up my dryer or would make a lot of noise but it has lived up to all that it claims to be! My son and husband have very sensitive skin and I have noticed a big difference since switching to Woolzies. I was concerned about static but that has not been a problem at all. The only thing I miss is the scent of my fabric softener since Woolzies are scentless. Woolzies says that you can use essential oils to add that scent after the load is done on a no heat setting if you prefer having a scent. For me the only possible negative is that the dryer balls sometimes get mixed up in the clothes and come out of the dryer with my clothes. Right now I am missing one ball but the 5 are still working great and hopefully I will find the 6th soon.

photo 2 copy 2Woolzies is a better option than plastic dryer balls because it doesn’t contain chemicals and will not melt. Woolzies also will not damage your dryers electronic sensors or stain your clothes.

Each box contains 6 large dryer balls and costs $34.95. It is guaranteed to last for 1,000 loads, which is amazing! I did the math and that is only 3 and a half cents per load! My old fabric softener did 220 loads per container. Woolzies costs the same as two containers of my old fabric softener and does more than 4 times the loads! It really does save time, energy and money. They will also be offering a smaller pack with 3 dryer balls on their website very soon. It is already being sold on Amazon along with their full size box.

My son loves helping me do laundry now. He puts the balls in the dryer and helps sort them out of the clean laundry. In our home we do 4 or sometimes even 5 loads of laundry each week. One box of Woolzies will last us about 4 and a half years! I am sold on Woolzies!

FOLLOW: You can connect with Woolzies on and .

BUY: You can buy your own box of Woolzies Dryer Balls directly from their or on Amazon.

WIN: One lucky YGTB winner will win their own box of 6 Woolzies Dryer Balls! Enter below for your chance to win!

Good luck! Thank you for entering our giveaways!

laura sig

Special thanks to Soft By Nature for the review products and sponsoring this great giveaway!

All of my opinions are my own and are 100% honest.

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  1. Sara Estep says:

    I like the Virgo Expandable Silver Wire Bangle :)

  2. Kimberly Schotz says:

    My favorite product from Ten Gem.com is the Contempo Stone Necklace.

  3. DorothyTeel says:

    From TenGem I really like the watches and I would like to have this one ToyWatch Metallic Turquoise Watch this one is cool and unusual.

  4. Jill A. Collins says:

    Cleaning the bathroom is the worst!

  5. Julie Lynn Bickham says:

    I hate cleaning the bathrooms.

  6. Erika E says:

    I don’t like washing dishes. Standing in one spot washing dishes that are going to get dirty right away.

  7. ange dearlove says:

    cleaning the toliet

  8. Kathy S says:

    I hate making my bed after washing the sheets.

  9. vacuuming! thats why i do not have any carpets :D

  10. Washing the windows. But I love how they look when they are clean.

  11. Donna Cheatle says:

    My worst chore is cleaning the kitchen. I’d rather do just about anything else! Even the bathroom

  12. wendy b says:

    Cleaning the bathroom….I just hate all the bending and awkward, hard-to-clean areas like the toilet and bathtub. Arg!

  13. Patricia says:

    The dishes.

  14. Folding the laundry. Will the woozles fold the laundry, please? :-)

  15. latanya says:

    I hate washing dishes

  16. I hate cleaning the bathroom!

  17. Dishes

  18. Rebecca Peters says:

    I absolutely hate putting the clothes away.

  19. Dawn Sweeps says:

    I hate emptying the dishwasher.

  20. I just hate hate hate dusting~! It’s never ending here. You dust one day and look the next and it’s back covered in dust.

  21. The chore I hate most is washing windows and curtains (and ironing the curtains).

  22. kelly falcone says:


  23. cleaning toilet

  24. Dishes…

  25. Wild Orchid says:

    I hate cleaning toilets.

    Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  26. sarah i says:

    I hate doing the dishes!

  27. Emillie says:

    I hate doing dishes!

  28. Glenna F says:

    I bate doing dishes.

  29. I hate doing the dishes the most!!

  30. Victoria Carlson says:

    I absolutely hate cleaning the bathroom floor. I hate the feeling of hair all over my hands. SICK!

  31. Allie W says:

    Mopping the floor- UGH!

  32. KELLY MCGREW says:

    scrubbing the tub!

  33. Vivian Sun says:

    Cleaning toilets.. Luckily my hubby does it.

  34. mbrunello says:

    the chore i hate the most is dusting

  35. Saver Sara says:

    I hate cleaning the bathrooms the most!

  36. Diane Cooper says:

    I absolutely detest dusting!

  37. Michelle says:

    I hate cleaning the bathroom!

  38. Gloria Sciuto says:


  39. Katherine Donovan says:

    Mopping the floor is the worst!!

  40. Anna Huynh says:

    Cleaning the bathrooms is the worst!

  41. Jessica Wyatt says:

    I hate folding laundry!

  42. Folding clothes and dishes! but I love folding/stuffing our cloth diapers!

  43. kelsie madison says:

    Washing dishes!

  44. rod jackson says:

    Cleaning the shower is the worst
    pin as jacksondeb

  45. I hate cleaning the bathroom!

  46. Cleaning the bathroom is the worst. :) Thanks for the Woolzies giveaway!

  47. kris mihalov says:

    washing dishes

  48. Catherine says:

    The chore I hate the most is probably putting AWAY the laundry. I can wash it, fold it, but I hate the act of walking it to everyone’s room. Which is probably why everyone has to do it themselves. My 5 year old has been putting away her clothes since she was 3. Start them young, start them right.

  49. The dishes.

  50. Holly Storm-Burge says:

    Cleaning bathrooms; especially the toilet!

  51. Diana Hatch says:

    I hate cleaning the shower

  52. Georgia Beckman says:

    I hate cleaning the tub/shower the most. It’s hard to reach in AND scrub at the same time.

  53. amy tolley says:

    dishes…would have to be my least favorite

  54. AndreaH says:

    I can’t stand cleaning the bathroom, especially the toilet.

  55. Joy Newlan says:

    dishes! especially precleaning dishes to put in the darn dishwasher

  56. Cleaning the bathroom.

  57. Dana West says:

    I hate folding clothes!

  58. Brigette Streeper says:

    I hate folding and sorting the clean clothes. Bla!


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    [...] Woolzies Dryer Balls from Your Golden Ticket [...]

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