Introducing Blendfresh by Blendtec…second best to fresh!
- Do you want to make healthy changes to your diet by adding real food that is nutrient dense?
- Now that the recommended intake of fruits & veggies is 9 servings per day, are you challenged to get it all in?
- Wouldn’t it be great to slide extra nutrition in your baby’s or child’s (or spouse’s!!!) meal without them noticing?
Having a convenient way to give my family the nutrition they need with real food in a simple and convenient form is what sold me on Blendfresh. Let me share with you some of the impressive details:

• Blendfresh is a fresh-dried powder, not freeze-dried, so the fruits & vegetables retain their pure nutritional potency, color, and flavor. The process is patent pending.
• Blendfresh is raw. Only the water has been removed from the fruits & vegetables at a low temperature so the foods retain their vitamin, mineral, enzyme, phytonutrient, carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber benefits.
• Blendfresh is made from 100% whole fruits & vegetables so it is nutrient dense. That’s why Blendfresh is WADC Olympic Athlete approved!
• Blendfresh is produced by Blendtec, a proven, reputable, and successful company with 38 years of experience. Blendfresh is positioned to soar for generations to come!

1. 12 Purple Fruits & Veggies: purple beet, purple cabbage, concord grape, whole acai berry, blackberry, blueberry, plum, purple carrot, black currant, eggplant, black raspberry, passion fruit

2. 12 Green Fruits & Veggies: green pea, apple pulp, whole broccoli, spinach juice concentrate, kale juice concentrate, kiwi, asparagus, collards, lime, romaine, Brussels sprouts, chard
3. 12 Red Fruits & Veggies: strawberry, raspberry, tomato, cranberry, elderberry, beet, acerola cherry, pomegranate, rhubarb, bell pepper, rose hips, red currant
I never have THIS MUCH VARIETY on hand at any given time. Do you? These four products represent 48 different fruits & veggies!
One tablespoon of Blendfresh color powder has 1700 phytonutrients. A typical apple contains 150 phytonutrients so you are getting 14 times the potent concentration of fresh produce and from 12 different whole food fruits and vegetables!
There are three more amazing products in the new Blendfresh line: 15 Seeds & Sprouts for Fiber, 8 Whole Food Plant Proteins, and 7 Whole Food Pre & Pro Biotics. Read more about them HERE.

Eating Healthy Has Never Been So Convenient or Affordable
and Save HUGE!
and change lives–literally!
Improve, enhance, and maintain your & your family’s health and do the same for others with the addition of Blendfresh products. For a minimal $35 annual fee+$69 in Blendfresh food you can get started earning commissions from our unique and generous compensation plan that pays out weekly and monthly!
• Blendfresh uses a personal word-of mouth-advertising business model with many avenues to earn income as you share the products and build a team. Plus, you will be joining the fastest growing team in the company with the most support and training for our consultants!
•You will be a pioneer (Blendfresh just recently launched July 11, 2014) in a company positioned to soar. Blendfresh is owned by Blendtec, a proven, reputable, and successful company with 38 years of experience. We have the support and infrastructure for immediate global growth and the financial backing that gives us reassuring stability against the economy. Partner with a winner!
Feel free to contact me via email with any questions Samantha@EatHealthyEveryDay.com

At this time Blendfresh is open only to USA residents. Soon it will open up to Canada, Mexico, and Europe. and keep my consultant number #1039 handy so that as soon as the market expands, you can be the first in your country to sign up with Blendfresh!
Additional Resources:
• Product Labels and Nutritional Information
• – see how Blendtec high-speed blenders are superior!
Blendfresh Distributor Information

[…] Blendfresh […]