Replace the Negative #sharegoodness #spreadpositivity

Have you ever wonder what would happen if you replaced every negative thought with a positive one? I would think it would make you happy and smile a lot. Try it this week every time you hear a negative thought creep into your head turn it around and make it a positive thought. I bet you would find a lot more to smile about and a lot more positive things happening in your life.




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  1. I LOVE this idea. SO true – sometimes I get bogged down with one negative thought and it sets me off track. I’m going to push negativity out and replace it with a positive!

  2. This is so good in so many ways. If you can turn lemons into lemonade your life will be easier.

  3. That is so essential for a happy and healthy life. We have so much, but often struggle to see the value of what we have

  4. I love this idea. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negativity and have things go down from there. But a simple turn around to think positive sometimes can make such a difference!

  5. I love this idea, will definitely be trying it this week. if I think “Gosh my fridge is empty” Ill say, I’m grateful i have money to buy food to fill up the fridge.

  6. I need to share this with my students this week! I think sometimes we forget out how blessed we really are.

  7. I have been listening to a podcast that suggested that people not interview for pain. So I took this to mean that instead of looking for negatives, look for positives. I love this and have been trying to find ways to be happy and positive. It works!

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