Must-Have Items for Sports Moms {31 Gifts Giveaway Ends 11/18}

To add to the many other hats I wear as a full time mom of four kids I proudly wear ‘Sports Mom.’ Well I have actually been wearing that hat for a few years now, but still, it is a really fun part of parenthood that I was not expecting to enjoy so much, and I am happy to share some tips with you today that have made practices and games more enjoyable.
I am a huge fan of organized sports and the good it can do for children and young adults. I do not need a pro-athlete in the family, but I do want my kids to participate in organized sports to learn how to get along with others, build self-confidence, learn sportsmanship, to stay active and healthy, and of course to have FUN! It is also the best feeling in the world to see your child’s face after they have scored and you know they are proud of their accomplishment!

A big part of any sports program is practice, and because my kids are young I attend and stay for all practices, with my three other kids in tow. Games are a family affair every weekend! I am happy just watching and visiting with all of the other parents on the sidelines, but there are challenges to keeping the kids happy when we are at practices and games, but I have found that there are five must-haves that sports moms need to make everything run smoothly:

1. Drinks—Water, water and more water for your little athlete and all of the other troops too! You cannot believe how thirsty kids get when they are just on the sidelines watching the game—LOL. Plus, water makes a great distraction/toy for our baby.

2. Snacks— Even if we just ate lunch my kids always ask for snacks when we are on the sidelines. I figure that it is better to be prepared and bring a few snacks and keep everyone happy than get caught empty handed.

31 Bleacher Blanket
3. Seating—Camping chairs or a blanket is perfect to make sure everyone is comfortable as they are watching the game. I really liked using the Bleacher Blanket because it fit perfectly inside my bag and folds us so nice and neat. There is a fleece side that is great for bundling up against the chill while the polyester side blocks the wind or the dampness of wet bleachers or the ground.

4. Camera—This is a vital item for me since I love capturing my kid’s sports moments and all of the other fun memories that are being made on the sidelines. I love coming home and looking through all the candid photos of my kids and their friends. It is a great time capture them truly enjoying life.

all-day organizing tote
5. Simple activities or a few toys to help entertain the kiddos—Most of the time my other kids love to just play and run with their friends when we are at practice or a game, but every once in a while they need something else to do. I have a few simple activities like a book, coloring, and some small figurines tucked into my All-Day Organizing Tote that I can pull out for my kids in case they just can’t think of anything else to do.

I hope that this list will help you as you are thinking of how to make sports practices more fun and run a little more smoothly. If you have another must-have item please let me know in the comments below.

Also, if you are in need of a great bag to help you organize and keep all of these necessities together you can enter to win an All Day Organizing Tote from Thirty-One in your choice of print and customized Embroidery! This tote is great with one outside pocket and four inside pockets, plus if you add a pocket-a-tote like I have on my bag you get even more organizing options.


Thank you to Thirty-One for sending the bags and blanket for me to use to facilitate my post.  All opinions are 100% honest and my own opinion. 
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  1. I would pick the sea stripe pattern. I love the colors.

  2. Sacha Schroeder says:

    I would choose sketchy dot! Love 31 products!

  3. April Farley says:

    I would choose the BLACK PARISIAN POP pattern as for the embroidery I think I would get style #18

  4. Leigh Anne Borders says:


  5. Erin Madigan says:

    I love the Grey Parisian Pop.

  6. kaylin Bruce says:

    I love the GREY PARISIAN POP tote.

  7. I would pick the Black Chevron pattern.

  8. Marilyn Nawara says:

    I like the Purple Sketchy Dot Print

  9. Tonya Dreese says:

    Black Chevron pattern.

  10. I like the sketchy dot pattern.

  11. Sam Stamp says:

    I would choose the Sea Stripe Pattern and Sammy in style 16 for the Embroidery!

  12. Kortney Lah says:

    The black chevron and sketchy dot are my favorite prints! I think I might get it without emroider if possible, still not sure yet!

  13. I like Grey mod dot.

  14. Seastripe with initials

  15. Liza Ramsey says:

    I love the bag with blue stripes. It’s very stylish.

  16. I’d pick Sketchy Dot print :)


  17. i would choose the GREY PARISIAN POP with i think pink embroidery!!

  18. Angela saver says:

    My favorite is the Purple Sketchy Dot Print!

  19. Emily Smith says:

    I like the Grey Parisian Pop.

  20. Melanie C. says:

    I like the black Parisian Pop

  21. I’d love the black chevron

  22. If I won, I’d choose the Black Parisian Pop fabric with red lettering monogram.

  23. I would choose the GREY PARISIAN POP

  24. Natalie yeoman says:

    I would choose the one in the black chevron print

  25. I’d pick Grey Parisian Pop with navy blue embroidery.

  26. ET Pruitt says:

    I would choose the sketchy dot print.

  27. Jessica H. says:

    If I was lucky enough to win, I would choose the BLACK PARISIAN POP with the Daisy embroidery Icon with my last initial H in the style 48 in white. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  28. I would pick BLACK PARISIAN POP.

  29. Melanie Comello says:

    I just love these!! I would choose the Black Parisian Pop with the my nickname for my little girl in style 15 in Raspberry thread 😉

  30. I would choose the Black Chevron with Style 15 Thread in Coral Pink thread! :)

  31. Love these! I’m an organizing JUNKIE. I like to keep it simple though, I would probably choose the black/chevron and put an M2 monogram in red! So awesome!

  32. sara giresi says:

    I would choose Black Chevron and Gavin emproidery

  33. rochelle johnson says:

    BLACK PARISIAN POP is my pick
    Thank you
    Happy Holidays

  34. Oh I really love the SKETCHY DOT! That is so pretty! I love the font style 12!! That is so fun looking!!!

  35. julie moore says:

    I would choose the Black Chevron with Style 15 Thread in Coral Pink thread

  36. Kimberly Schotz says:

    I would choose the Black Parisian Pop Print with pink embroidery.

  37. Tandi Cortez-Rios says:

    If I won, I would choose the Black Chevron print.

  38. saralynns2 says:

    The Grey Parisian Pop is awesome! and I would probably do red embroidery :)

  39. montanna sutherland says:

    I am not sure what I would have put on it but I like the grey parisian pop print!

  40. I would choose the the GREY PARISIAN POP pattern!
    Thank You for the chance

  41. Deanna Middendorf says:

    Sea Stripes is my favorite.

  42. Donna Teller says:

    I would choose the Black Chevron pattern with the name WYNTER in style 10 with purple thread.

  43. Michelle Short says:

    I would choose sea stripe for my pattern. I love those colors!

  44. I would get the Grey Parisian Pop and style # 16 for the personalization in the color, Aqua.

  45. Yolanda Scott says:

    I would choose the back chevron print and I would not get it embroidered.

  46. I like the sea stripe print, and I would probably not get it embroidered.

  47. megan tilley says:

    I love black partisan pop and don’t think I would get it embroidered!

  48. TallulahJane says:

    I like the Black Parisian Pop. I would probably get it embroidered SJ for my mom in bright pink.

  49. Sarah Hayes says:

    i might choose the sea stripe print. not sure about embroidery

  50. I would pick black chevron with green embroidery, but my husband might want an opinion on this one!

  51. Around We Go Thermal / Sketchy Dot is my choice.

  52. Melissa L. says:

    I think I would choose black parisian print. Thanks for the chance!

  53. Allyson Tice says:

    I would choose the Black Chevron with TICE embroidered on it!

  54. I really like All-Day Organizing Tote / Black Parisian Pop but no embroidery.

  55. Trinity Morgan says:

    I would pick the BLACK PARISIAN POP pattern with embroidery style 12 and color hot pink.

  56. hilda torres says:

    black chevron print

  57. I would select the Sea Stripe with music note personalization.

  58. kathy dalton says:

    i love the black chevron

  59. I like the GREY MOD DOT

  60. I would choose the Sea Stripe tote!

  61. GREY PARISIAN POP might get my aunt’s name

  62. I really love the Black Chevron Tote. I would pick one of the bright pink colors for embrodiery, but would probably ask the consultant for help in choosing a color and type.

  63. I like the black chevron patteren

  64. Black Chevron is what I would pick

  65. I would get sketchy dot with Anderson embroider on it

  66. I would pick the Grey PARISIAN pop.

  67. June Lisle says:

    I am trying to win this for a friend and I think she would like the SKETCHY DOT bag with style 18 Embroidery. If I win, I will ask her just in case.

  68. i would choose the black chevron with turquoise embroidery!

  69. I like the black chevron tote pattern!

  70. I would choose sketchy dot .

  71. Katie Bellamy says:

    I would choose the BLACK PARISIAN POP!

  72. I would put our last name on the grey parisian pop!

  73. Bobbie Smith says:

    I would pick BLACK PARISIAN POP with pink embroidery

  74. If I win, I would choose Black Parisian Pop.

  75. Grey Mod Dot All day organizing tote

  76. I would pick the Black Chevron pattern.

  77. I’m absolutely in love with this bag. I really like the Parisian pop in both colors but my favorite is the sea stripe that you picked! It’s gorgeous. As for the embroidery, I’d prefer to ask a consultant on what colors look the best with the pattern and either get my first initial or our last name embroidered on it. I really love this though, it would be really awesome to own. Thanks for the chance to win, and for the great review!

  78. I love the Sketchy Dot print!

  79. I would choose GREY PARISIAN POP with brown Style 10 embroidery. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  80. i would choose the lavender color with the name murley on it

  81. I’d choose Sketchy Dot with PEGGY embroidered for the MIL. 😉

  82. Stephanie O'Day says:

    I would choose the Grey Mod Dot pattern, with O’Day embroidered on it!!

  83. Amanda Baker says:

    I would choose the black chevron for the all day tote. I absolutely love the pattern. I’d definitely get my daughter’s name, Annalee, embroidered onto it since 3/4’s of what I have to carry with me are her things anyways!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  84. I would get the Parisian Pop pattern, but I’m not sure what I would get embroidered on it.

  85. Dusty Schnur says:

    I would choose the sea stripe pattern, so pretty!

  86. I lvoe the sea stripe so cute..

  87. I would choose the Sketchy Dot Pattern with Style 18 embroidery in Turquoise, I think…

  88. Laura Saccente says:

    black chevron

  89. Corey Olomon says:


  90. I like the Sketchy Dot tote with style 19 embroidery in Raspberry or Hot Pink.

  91. Tamra Phelps says:

    I might go with the black chevron pattern. But I would let my niece decide because it would be for her.

  92. I like the Black Chevron. Thanks :)

  93. Black Parisian Pop.

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