Perrigo Nutritionals Baby Food Review and Giveaway {Ends 5/3 US}

Are you wondering what in the word Perrigo Nutritionals is?  Don’t worry, I was scratching my head too when I first got an email about review their products, but I soon figured out that Perrigo Nutritionals is the company that makes TONS of the store brand baby food items on the market today.


I am a bargain shopper so I am always looking to save money and take advantage of a great deal. This means I have tried out many store brand items simply because they are less expensive than the big name brands–on sale. I have tried out everything from store brand diapers to yogurt drops and I can tell you that I cannot tell a difference between the two.

I was very excited to get my package of Perrigo Nutritionals to see what brands would be represented in the mix. It was interesting to see the two major retailers I shop at (Wal-Mart and Target) both get their inventory from Perrigo Nutritionals as well as many other stores. I had to laugh because I have been telling my husband this exact information for years, but I finally had the proof that the store brand items come from the same place, just packaged differently.


As you can see from the pictures my baby loves her Perrigo Nutritionals baby food!  The yogurt bites dissolve easily in baby mouths as well as the puffs.  I am loving the pureed pouches of  food since they are simple to use when I am out and about and my baby has started to take an interesting in feeding herself.  The products Perrigo Nutritionals makes are high quality and one of only four companies recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for meeting the strict FDA requirements for safety, nutrition and quality for infant formula-manufacturing in the United States. Plus, the same standards and expertise used to develop infant formula applied to toddler foods

Since I am breast feeding baby D I asked a friend of mine to test out the formula I received and she said that she has bought some big name brands and her baby was always gassy and uncomfortable, but when she switched to the Parents Choice formula I gave her the baby seemed to have his digestion problems subside and his gas was almost completely gone. She has decided to keep using the Perrigo Nutritionals formula since it is more agreeable with her baby’s tummy. Another great tidbit for formula moms…you can save up to 50 percent on infant formula by choosing a store brand over a national brand, and making the switch can save you about $600 a year.


My Perrigo Nutritionals package came with a great little gem in the form of a book. I received a copy of Crystal Paine’s 5 Money Saving Tips for Families and I am really enjoying her advice on saving money. Here are a few ideas she gives in her book:

Create a Budget
a budget gives you parameters and purpose, it gives you boundaries, and it gives you freedom to live creatively within those boundaries.

Shop With Cash
When you shop with a credit card (or even a debit card, for that matter!) you can have your budget in your head and you can do the best to stick with it when you check out, but it’s so much easier to go just a little bit over here and there when you’re swiping!

Plan a Menu
When you have a plan in place for what you’re supposed to be eating each meal and you’ve already purchased the ingredients for those recipes, it’s a lot harder to justify chucking the plan for takeout.

Use Coupons
Coupons are a great way to save a lot of money on your grocery bill, but they can be hard to keep up with. Clipping, sorting, and organizing coupons takes time — so enter a coupon database! You’ll have access to printable and other coupons currently available and it’s one of the most effective and efficient ways to save money on groceries.

Buy Store Brands
One way to save a great deal of money on your grocery budget is to learn to like and use a variety of brands. The sooner you can get over being a brand-snob, the more your pocketbook will thank you.

Buy: You can buy Perrigo Nutritionals at many local grocery stores under their store brand name.

Win:  One lucky Your Golden Ticket Blog fan will win a prize package full of an assortment of Perrigo Nutritionals baby food items and a copy of 5 Money Saving Tips for Families!  Enter below to win.

Perrigo Nutritionals product, information and two gift packs have been provided by Perrigo Nutritionals for review and giveaway.  All opinions are my own and 100% honest!

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  1. We save money by being aware of our electricity usage and turning lights off when we leave rooms, adjusting temp when we’re not home, etc. We also use coupons

  2. Patricia says:

    I use coupons and plan meals around sale items of the store add.

  3. Rebecca Parsons says:

    We save money by buying with coupons and buying bulk.

  4. I save money for our family by shopping seasonally at the local farmer’s market for our produce. I can usually save about 35 – 50% over supermarket prices. Plus I am supporting the local economy and the food is the very freshest!

  5. Liza Vladyka says:


  6. Darlene Owen says:

    I cut coupons is how I save money.

  7. Alisha Hodges says:

    We use coupons and try not to waste. We also garden.

  8. Couponing and using cloth diapers helps us save money.

  9. I save money any way I can. Couponing, price match, any way I can be frugal!

  10. by couponing

  11. Laura Jones says:

    I just recently started using coupons and also use Swagbucks to earn gift cards on Amazon to buy baby items like diapers and wipes.

  12. I use coupons and shop for deals!

  13. Julie Lee says:

    I save money by using coupons and entering giveaways!

  14. 1% of check in savings- it adds up for annual vacations!

  15. Christina Dutra says:

    my fiance and i save money by being on a tight budget.
    we use reusable snack bags. we use glass water bottles, instead of buying water bottles from the store. and we get clean water from a water purifier. we use rags instead of napkins, and we use reusable paper towels. (can be purchased on Etsy or you can sew them on your own) i have a swifter wet jet but i don’t buy the disposable wipes. i made rags that fit the wet jet, and the sides have elastic that fit around the wet jet perfectly. i just have to wash them in the washer. i make my own house cleaners, i use coupons, and whenever i make a purchase i write it down. so i know where all of our money is going. if i hesitate to write a purchase down, i know not to buy it next time.

  16. lissa crane says:

    I am a huge coupon clipper, but I don’t even stop there. I hold my coupons until there is a sale and then stack them for maximum saving!

  17. Jessica Compton says:

    I make meal plans and get coupons, e-coupons and rewards apps based off my list, and stick to it!

  18. Coupons!!!!

  19. Laurie Nykaza says:

    We shop sales and always use coupons when we can.

  20. gayle gildehaus says:

    I shop thrift stores and use coupons when i can.

  21. Tandi Cortez-Rios says:

    We save money by using coupons, shopping thrifty and reusing what we can.

  22. Making our food from scratch!

  23. Brandy says:

    I use coupons and usually only buy items on sale.

  24. Heather Sullivan says:

    I Buy stuff on sale make baby food use coupons

  25. aimee m says:

    we price match grocerys at walmart

  26. Claire says:

    I shop thrift stores and use coupons when i can.

  27. Nicki Joseph says:


  28. Rachel H. says:

    I shop sales, use coupons, cloth diapers, and buy store brands whenever I can!

  29. Andrea V says:

    We save by budgeting plans with excel, coupons and being eco friendly!

  30. Jodie Rosenblum says:

    I watch ads for specials.

  31. I save money by couponing and instore/online deals.

  32. Danielle Jones says:

    I save money by always buying generic brands when possible. I also like to stock up on sale items if it’s something that I use quite often.

  33. Becky VanGinkel says:

    I am a SAHM to our 3 beautiful children and saving money for our family is one of my ways of contributing to our financial well being! I make sure that everything is unplugged when not in use and all lights are turned off to save on our electric bill. I clip coupons like a mad woman every week. I do surveys online and use the money to pay for our 13 month old daughters diapers so that it doesn’t come out of our weekly spending allowance. We cut out cable and only have Netflix and I gave up my cell phone over 2 years ago (it’s actually freeing!)! And those are just some of the ways I help our family save money :)

  34. Diana Hatch says:

    I try to use coupons and buy in bulk

  35. brittany marie thompson says:

    by using coupons

  36. debra daigle says:

    Coupons mostly but we don’t shop at name stores. we buy generic and at thrift shops.

  37. We save money by living by the bare minimum. We don’t have fancy cellphones that cost a fortune to own. We don’t have television service because we are not really tv people. We do have movies and subscribe to netflix, but we are still saving money than if we had our local television service. We also are aware of how much electricity and water that we use on a daily basis as well.

  38. Ashley Fryer says:

    We save money by using coupons and buying what’s on sale.

  39. I save money by price matching and buying generic brands.

  40. I save money by using coupons and buying generic.

  41. I like to save money by buying at the end of the season, or really early in the season for clothing, etc. That’s when the best sales are. For food, I just look for sales and stock up.

  42. Nesca Crespo says:

    We save money by couponing for things and stocking up. I don’t remember when was the last time I had to buy body necessities because of it.

  43. I try to shop around for the best deal and use coupons when I can.

  44. We use cloth diapers.

  45. Misha Estrada says:

    I buy what’s on sale and use coupons.

  46. I save money by using coupons and also by shopping at resale stores when I can.

  47. We use deal apps and discount codes.

  48. Gianna says:

    Lots of coupon use and sale watching.

  49. Angela saver says:

    I use coupons & always shop sales & match them with the coupons.

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