I love to nurse my baby. It is great bonding time and I know that what I am doing is best for her, but there are times I have had to be away from my nursing baby. When I went back to finish the school year teaching after my first child was born, date night, or even a girls night out take me away from my baby, but with the right tools I can leave her with plenty of breast milk and I can have peace of mind.
Earlier this week I shared 5 top mom picks that I believe (and use) to be the and are designed to really help the pumping mom meet her goals. Whether you are pumping milk to build a stash, pumping for a day/night away, or pumping exclusively I have the most AMAZING giveaway created specifically for the pumping mom!

Thanks to the generosity of several awesome companies who know who hard moms work at pumping milk I have put together a prize packaged designed to help you meet and exceed your pumping goals with comfort, function, and style in mind!
Amazing Prizes:
- – $149.99
- – $34.99
- - $11.99
- – $10.99
- $130+
- – $58.99
- – $38
- – $29.95
- – $129
GRAND TOTAL: $593+ in Pumping Products that will help you rock your milk production!
Please use the below rafflecopter to enter this giveaway. Giveaway is open to US/CAN and ends on 4/24/14. All entries will be verified. Must be 18+ to enter.
Prizes are as pictured above. Winner will be able to choose pattern for Bebe Au Lait muslin cover, size for NuzzleHUG, and pattern for The Nurse Purse. Lillebaby carrier will be the Original Designer COMPLETE Kimono Black. Pumpin Pals comes with all sizes. Our Knight Life is not responsible for prize distribution, lost, or stolen prizes.
This would be so useful!!
I’m most excited to win the Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Eletric Breast Pump!
I would love to win!
I am most excited to win the Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Eletric Breast Pump
i’m excited about the breast pump.
I am most excited about the NuggleHug!
I am most excited to win the Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Electric Breast Pump.
I’m most excited to win the carrier!
I’m most excited for the breast pump!