I love this saying I came across a while ago…”Cleaning your house with kids is like brushing your teeth while eating an Oreo.”

Oh man, I can totally relate to this! I feel like it is almost impossible sometimes to keep up with the mess my kids leave behind, and honestly it makes cleaning something I dread. To make cleaning a little less horrible I have been trying to find products that help me clean faster and more efficiently. One of the products I have found is the Norwex mop. I have been wanting to get this particular mop to review since I have heard really good things about them. You all know how I love multi-functional items and this mop is quickly becoming my go-to tool. I am kind of obsessed with it and I keep comparing notes with other Norwex mop owners.
I was sent the Superior Mop Collection which includes the mop itself, a plush microfiber dry mop pad (for sweeping), and an Antibac wet pad (for washing).

I found that the best way to use the wet mop was to thoroughly wet it then wring it out in the sink. You want to leave some moisture in the mop since that is what you are cleaning with. I am able to clean my kitchen and front tile without having the mop dry out on me, but I would use a spray bottle with water if I needed more moisture. I did come across some sticky jam and dried on food that I also used the spray bottle on. I sprayed the water on the tough spots and let it sit for a few minutes. After it soaked for a little bit I just mopped regularly over that spot and the jam came up easily.
Here are a few of my favorite things about this mop…
- I can clean with just water! Almost all of the Norwex products are made so that you can eliminate chemicals from your cleaning routine, and the mop is no different. There is silver woven into the wet mop pad that naturally kills any bacteria on the cloth as it dries. Cleaning with water is great since it saves me money and makes my floors chemical free for my baby to crawl around on.
The handle is super lightweight and adjustable. You can see the pictures below how the handle of the mop can be lengthened to reach the top of your windows and walls or shortened for the kids to help with cleaning. (Oh and my kids LOVE to use this mop to clean—they think they are hot stuff!)
- The dry mop picks up dirt, hair, and dust bunnies like a champ! I have not even used my broom since I first tried the dry mop. I love how easy it is to get under my table and chairs and sweep my floors. You will still have to use a dust pan, but I will go over that more below.
- The size of the mop/sweeper pads is awesome, and the shape is perfect. The angles of the pad allow you to really get in corners and sweep/mop, and because the pads are so big I can do my whole floor in about half the time of my regular mop.
- The dry mop will clean your dirty fan blades without dropping dust and grim all over your head. You can see from the picture below how filthy my fan was and I just went over each blade with a quick wipe and all the yuck was gone. Plus, everything stuck to the pad so nothing gross fell on my head while I was cleaning! Yeah!
Now for a few of the not so wonderful things you should know…
- You still have to sweep up the pile you make after you dry mop. Really not that big of a deal, but the mop does not hold everything on the pad. Bigger items like cereal will need to be swept up with your dustpan.
- I tried to clean my mop pad by hitting it on the wall outside, but found that did not release the dirt very well. I ended up throwing the pads in the washing machine every time I used them, but I have found that when I use a hard bristle brush I can scrub the dirt off the pads easily and only wash them every 3 or 4 uses. (Norwex also offers a rubber brush to clean the mop and after using the system, I would recommend spending a few more dollars to get the rubber brush to clean your pads.)
- The mop is a little pricy at $124 retail, but this mop is a high quality item that will last you a long time, and you will save money on the chemicals you are cutting out of your grocery bill. Plus, Norwex is a direct sales company that offers great specials and incentives for their hostesses and guests. That means you can have a party with Amy and get your mop for a deep discount! Don’t worry if you are not in her immediate area–she can do Skype home shows and catalog parties so there are lots of ways to get your Norwex for less than the retail price no matter where you live.
Buy: You can shop for your own and check out all of their other products on Amy’s website.

Huh, I haven’t heard of this mop. I love that it naturally kills bacteria on the cloth as it dries and that you can use only water if you want. That’s a big plus in my book!