Believe In Yourself #sharegoodness #spreadpositivity


    This quote is one of my favorites. It speaks to the child within me and let’s her know that just believing in herself is where all the magic in the world lies.  Do you believe in yourself? You should because when you do the magic comes to life and wonderful things begin to […]

Look Forward #sharegoodness #spreadpositivity


This quote stuck with me today. I sometime feel that we spend so much time looking back that we are unable to see what’s in front of us. If we spent more time looking forward to the road ahead we would reach our goals much quicker, than if we are always looking behind to where […]

Don’t Dull Your Sparkle #sharegoodness #spreadpositivity


Lately I have been feeling like I want to share more positivity and happiness so I will be posting various quotes and stories to share more goodness and spread positivity each week.  This is probably more for me than anyone else, but I hope that you enjoy the goodness I find.  I hope it will […]