My son and daughter loved taking their classes last month so when we had the opportunity to do another month of classes we jumped at the chance. This time we decided to try out the 2 hour Art and Sports drop off class for my son. He will be starting pre school in a few weeks so we thought this would be a great way to help him transition to going to class without us.

Little Man was telling me all about soccer and teeth (which had been the topics for the day) and he kept asking me when he could go back to Gymboree. Throughout the next week he continued to use new words he had learned in class and was telling everyone we met (quite literally) about his love for Gymboree. His excitement for his Gymboree class continued to develop week by week! They did a unit on community helpers where they talked about dentists, mail carriers, contractors and other jobs that have a role in the community. Each week they completed art projects based around the job they were learning about. My son loved playing soccer and working on kicking the balls which is excellent for coordination. His favorite part was when they would huddle up, put their hands in and say, “Go team!” He even got us to do it at home a few times when we were working on family projects.
Selfishly it was nice to be able to run some errands and spend quality time one-on-one with my daughter while he was happily entertained, learning and getting his wiggles out at Gymboree.

The school year is only a few weeks away and Gymboree is a wonderful option for children 5 and under to learn, play and grow in a safe and child friendly environment.
TRY IT: You can check out the Las Vegas/Henderson Gymboree schedule or go to their and search for your local center to enroll in classes where you live.
Thank you Gymboree for the month of Art and Sports class for my son!
All opinions are my own and 100% honest!