I received products in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

We received , which is a twist on their Roll & Play. We loved Roll & Play so much that we could not wait to try out Move & Groove. It is a perfect game for toddlers. They take turns throwing the plush cube and then turn over the card that is the same color as the side of the cube that is facing up when it lands. The categories are focused on movement. Move & Groove is wonderful for developing balance, coordination, imagination and flexibility. Recently I had a chance to go into my son’s preschool class and teach them a game. I brought this one and they had a wonderful time! His teacher loved it so much she wanted to get one for the class. Then, the next time I went in, she had one. The Move & Groove game is the perfect way to teach taking turns while having fun and moving.

I also received . This game is a twist on their classic Zingo Game. It is basically a word bingo where you use letter tiles to create three letter words. I love that you can choose to have one or two letters missing. I used this as a tool when working with one of my tutoring students. She loved the dispenser that the letter tiles come through. It was very sturdy and fun to use. Zingo Word Builder is a fun, tactile twist on building words. ThinkFun focuses on every last detail! I really appreciate that they made the dispenser so interactive, gave two options for the number of letters missing and were sure to make the vowels a different color. While Zingo Word Builder is a little above my son I have been working with him on letter recognition. He loves sliding the top and seeing which letters will come out. With him we use Zingo Word Builder to develop letter identification and letter sounds. This is a wonderful educational tool!

ThinkFun is on a mission to create learning games that are fun and educationally effective. They have a fun variety of Think Fun games available to on their website. I really love that they offer such a similar experience as the actual games. As a parent I appreciate that there aren’t pop up adds like there are in many apps.

FOLLOW: You can connect with ThinkFun on , , , and .
BUY: You can purchase ThinkFun games directly from their . Teachers can save 20% off with the code TEACHERS at checkout!
WIN: One lucky YGTB reader will win their choice of Move & Groove or Zingo Word Builder. Enter below for your chance to win!
Good luck! Thank you for entering our giveaways!

Special thanks to ThinkFun for the products to review and for sponsoring this great giveaway!
All of my opinions are my own and are 100% honest.