Toy State Review

If it has wheels under it, my son loves it! My son is 3 and he is all boy! Our home is full of cars and I have come to discover that not all toy cars are created equal. is a website that carries a great selection of quality vehicle themed toys from reputable brands including CAT, Road Rippers at very competitive prices.


Toy State sent two of their amazing toys for my son to play with. We received the CAT Honk & Rumble Wheel and the Road Rippers Rush and Rescue.  My son was beside himself when he opened them! It has been a few weeks now and he still runs downstairs and looks for them every morning before breakfast.

The , which retails for $15, is a steering wheel that can make the sounds of a real car and even lights up and rumbles when you touch the right buttons. My son absolutely loves the CAT Honk & Rumble Wheel! He uses it to steer around the house and gets so excited when the wheel lights up and rumbles. I do wish that this had an On/Off switch because it can start rumbling when my son puts it in his backpack. I would also appreciate a switch that lets you select the volume. He loves to take it everywhere! It is a really sturdy toy and is perfect for kids 18 months and up.

The , which retails for $19, is a very realistic ambulance complete with lights, sirens and engine sounds. It can drive itself forward and in reverse at the push of a button. It also lets you hear vocal phrases that the paramedics might say when they are on their way to a scene. It made my son feel like he was part of the action. Toy State’s toys are really fun to play with and are very interactive. I love the way that their toys foster imagination and creative play.

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Beyond offering fun, quality toys I love the fact that Toy State’s website has some amazing and unique features.

If you are looking for the perfect toy for someone they have a great tool that helps you find the toy that is the right fit. They take age, interest and features into consideration, which makes gift giving a breeze! Toy State also has features an animated Web Series “Road Rippers Rippisodes” on their website that is based around Ripp. Ripp is a teenage boy who creates one-of-a-kind vehicles in his garage and has fun adventures with his friends. It really is a cute Web Series.

Toy State also has a section of their website devoted to kid friendly games at different difficulty levels. My son loves playing the Gravel Pit game and I love spending time playing the games with him. It’s also fun for my son to see that the games feature the Toy State Cars that he loves.


FOLLOW: You can follow Toy Sate on , and .

BUY: You can buy Toy State toys directly from their . They also are available at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target.

laura sig

Thank you to Toy State for the review items!
All opinions are my own and 100% honest!

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