If it has wheels under it, my son loves it! My son is 3 and he is all boy! Our home is full of cars and I have come to discover that not all toy cars are created equal. is a website that carries a great selection of quality vehicle themed toys from reputable brands including CAT, Road Rippers at very competitive prices.
If you are looking for the perfect toy for someone they have a great tool that helps you find the toy that is the right fit. They take age, interest and features into consideration, which makes gift giving a breeze! Toy State also has features an animated Web Series “Road Rippers Rippisodes” on their website that is based around Ripp. Ripp is a teenage boy who creates one-of-a-kind vehicles in his garage and has fun adventures with his friends. It really is a cute Web Series.
FOLLOW: You can follow Toy Sate on , and .
BUY: You can buy Toy State toys directly from their . They also are available at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target.
Thank you to Toy State for the review items!
All opinions are my own and 100% honest!
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