Sorry, this contest is now closed!
I would like to congratulate mrccustomcreations
(Commenter #1) on winning!
Thank you for all of your entries and I hope you will continue to visit my site for more great reviews and giveaways!

My family and I had the pleasure of devouring a sampler basket from Sweeties which included a caramel apple dipped in green tinted (it was St. Patrick’s Day) white chocolate and a bouquet of St. Patrick’s Day themed cake pops.
Elizabeth does a great job of putting her baskets together in a professional yet fun manner. Although I have to admit that the basket only stayed “pretty” for a few minutes after she dropped it off since the kids and I wanted to taste test immediately. By the time my poor husband got home there were only a few crumbs left after the kids and I gorged ourselves. We just could not stop eating. We tried, we did, but then we would look at the other cake pops in the basket and look at each other. We just had to explore and find out what flavor hide inside each new pop and so on and so forth.

Elizabeth is a talented confectioner and did I mention artist too? She is a wonderful artist and uses that talent in my favorite medium edible sweets. Just check out the custom cake pop picture of Hello Kitty. Super cute! The bottom line is that is a true delight to eat! Order yours today, and enter to win some free treats courtesy of Sweeties Gourmet below.
Sweeties Gourmet Delights will provide one
Sampler Basket for a lucky winner!
(The contents may vary slightly, but will be something similar to one caramel/chocolate apple, caramel/chocolate pretzels, and cake pops.) Retail Value is $25.
This is a local Vegas business so only locals are eligible to win, but they are growing so who knows maybe in the next 6 months you can have your own Sweeties Gourmet Delights shipped right to your door no matter where you live.
Entries will be accepted until midnight PST on Monday, April 11th.
Buy it:
Visit to shop online for your own yummy treats. Plus you can get 20% off your first order when you mention Your Golden Ticket Blog! (Discount valid until 6/1/2011)
Win It: (Giveaways are for Your Golden Ticket Blog Followers only. Follow publicly with Google Friend Connect now to enter. For detailed instructions on how to enter click here.)
Required entry: Visit and drool over the treats and then come back here and leave me a comment telling me what you want try. {1 entry}
Bonus Entries:
(Only valid after the required entry has been completed)
Please leave a comment for each extra entry. For example, if you subscribe to my e-mails and share this on Facebook comment 2 times.
•Post on your Facebook wall about this giveaway with a link back to this blog. Leave me the link to your post. *hint* click the share to Facebook button at the bottom of this post. (1 extra entry per post, 1 per day)
• “Like” and comment letting them know I sent you {1 extra entry}

• Subscribe to get updates on my giveaways via e-mail {1 extra entry} great way to make sure you do not miss out on fab giveaways!
• Blog about this giveaway and link it back here and leave the link to where it is posted {1 extra entry}
• Blog about this giveaway and link it back here and leave the link to where it is posted {1 extra entry}
• “Like” and leave me a little love note. {2 extra entries} fabulous way to make sure that you do not miss out on super reviews!
• Add me to your blog roll and leave me a link to your blog {1 extra entry}
• Tweet about this giveaway with a link to my site and leave me a link to your tweet. *hint* click the share to Twitter button at the bottom of this post. {1 extra entry per tweet, 1 per day}
• Add one of my buttons to your blog or website and leave me a link to where it is posted {1 extra entry}
Thanks for entering and good luck everybody!
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