Ella Reynolds new from the first moment she walked into the old house someone or something was watching her. Waiting. Her husband’s violent murder sent her spiraling into a world of grief and isolation, but Ella isn’t alone. Who or what is responsible for her husbands death is still with her. Darkness has engulfed the past year of Ellas’ life. Everyday reality slips a little more between her fingers as eh struggles to break free from her memories. She must look deeper into her past as well as the present to discover truth of her husband’s homicide. A string of uncanny events takes place and practical explanations run thin as Ella follows the terrifying road to closure. AS the past and present come to a head, Ella must decipher who or what the murderer is before it takes her as well.
~From Me
A little bit of super natural thrill, a little bit of crazy, a little bit of scary this book has it all. Liz Schulte did a great job of drawing you in and capturing your imagination as you wonder who or what could the murdered be? This book has it all and I give it a Whitehead high 5 ! The best thing I have read in quite a while.
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I love all kinds of books. Autobiographies to fluffy romance…
jandplee at att.net
its sounds pretty neat tnx 4 the give away
My favorite kind of book is a good murder mystry
amhengst at verizon dot net
my favorite type of book are the suspenseful reads or mysteries!
My favorite kind of book is a thought provoking book that lets you see the other side of an argument. jesterbuny at hot mail dot com
I love to read books of all genre…but, my favorite is paranormal romance.
I love fantasy
I loved it too
definitely the best I’ve read in a while. great review!
creativitylost at me dot com
I love to read horror!
My favorites are science fiction/horror
I like young adult novels (especially dystopian and steampunk).
avroradavidovna at gmail dot com
drama filled books
Love mystery/thrillers
i like fantasy, science fiction and memoirs…strange combo, huh? lol
I like lots of different books, but my favorites are horror and science fiction.
I like mystery books.
krazekatlady at gmail dot com
Thrillers are my favorite.
My favorite kind of book is cookbooks.