How do you find peace? I know I feel peaceful when I am taking a walk through the woods and I can hear the birds chirping or laying under the stars on a cool summer night. I feel peace when I kiss my kids closed eyelids as they sleep in their beds at night. I feel peace when I listen to church hymns as I cook dinner for my family.
It is at those times, when I often feel alone, that I have to remind myself that I am never alone. My Savior, who is the true Giver of Peace, has felt everything I feel and He knows the pain of those I love. We are not alone. And as we draw closer to Jesus Christ we come to know and understand that He is the only way we can feel the everlasting peace that does not waiver no matter the trial or tribulation. His peace is perfect and it is free for everyone.

- Compassion
- Forgiveness
- Repentance
- Gratitude
- God’s Word/Scripture
- Prayer
- Hope

Much Love,

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