I am so excited about this company! We have had the awesome opportunity to be in contact with The Baby Cubby, and are thankful for such an awesome go-to place for all things baby. I may be a little bias, but I was more than a little excited to browse all the products. I have written here and there for this blog for about 5 years now, and I have started to really love posts about babies and baby products. I have my first little one on the way (just a few more months!) and we are more than ecstatic about our little girl making her debut soon.
We are starting out from zero as to what baby things we have and don’t have (mostly don’t have yet), so we have had to search out all the best places for baby gear. I have searched many baby stores online and in my community, and I just so happen to live near The Baby Cubby, a.k.a., and it is a fantastic baby store! Something I have loved about is getting to know them via social media. Their “About Us” page is amazing and I love what the company believes in. Just an excerpt:
“WE BELIEVE in the best things: we believe in children, in mothers, in parents, in families, and in laughter and happiness.” “WE BELIEVE MOMS ARE SUPER- HEROES, unsung & often unappreciated, Moms quietly create and mold the future of the world.”
“WE BELIEVE being a mother and parent is the hardest and most important job in the world. You work nights and weekends; never get a raise, a promotion, a paycheck, or even a cool scratch ’n sniff sticker at the end of the Day.”
How awesome is that? They also provide resources on their website (bottom of page) for choosing the right car seat for your baby, choosing a good stroller, a good diaper bag, and comparison of brands. This has been my first stop (and I have frequented their pages and products often) in search of building up a stock of all the best stuff for my little one. Since I am a first-time mother, I 1) have no clue what I am doing preparing for baby, 2) have no clue what I will do when I actually have the baby, and 3) have no clue what to even get for the baby. Ever been there? Browsing through The Baby Cubby, I realized just all the things I had never even thought to add to my registry and quickly started making a list of all my favorite things. I love floral prints for a girl’s room, but I’ve always had a passion for astronomy, so I was psyched that The Baby Cubby actually had space-themed linens. I might just decide on several different baby themes in the end though because there are just too many options to just choose from (and I’m also a sucker for florals).
I’ve made a list (with links of course) to all my favorite picks for this great company. But first, a girl’s gotta have her bag! I thought I was going to have to trade in my regular purses for something drab, but I was pleasantly surprised that there are actually cute diaper bags. I love so many of these, but if I had to choose my top three, these would be it.

(Unicorns would count in the space category, right?)

Then there are just plain smart buys that I never even thought of as well, and there’s actually a lot of products in that category for me. As soon as I saw the baby sling and the Bumbo, I added those immediately to my registry. I was actually searching for a Bumbo after seeing a mother at church with her baby in one. The baby was quiet and seated securely so they weren’t all over the place, and I made a mental note for the future. Bumbos are so smart! I also like to get out and explore, so a baby carrier had to make the list. Daddies can use the carrier and slings as well, and I think they are a great way to keep your baby close to you while you multitask or are out and about. Here are some of a few smart buys I found:

The thing that makes it so hard for me to choose a baby theme for a room are all of the adorable prints I have to choose from. These are just a few options I loved, but The Baby Cubby has a ton of options (especially with blankets—like holy cow, so many to choose from!). And any of these options would be perfect for a baby shower gift for a friend or relative without breaking the bank.

We have so many cute things nowadays and it makes me so happy that I live now and not back in the middle ages. I am so excited for my products to come and hope all our mommies, daddies, and future parents are excited about these products too. Like with any baby on the way, it’s always smart to prepare ahead of time as best as possible. These are just a few of my favorite things that get me that much closer to being prepared to be a mommy. But, it’s best to prepare period. Definitely explore The Baby Cubby if you have a little one on the way, you already have little ones, or need fantastic gift ideas for friends and relatives.
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