Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Your Golden Ticket Blog! Tremendous things are in store for you! Many wonderful surprises await you — mystic and marvelous surprises that will entrance, delight, intrigue, astonish, and perplex you beyond measure. In your wildest dreams you could not imagine that such things could happen to you! Just wait and see! ~slightly adapted from Roald Dahl’s novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Please let me introduce you to the Golden Ticket Review Team…
Hello! My name is Laura. I love to shop and find new things that make life easier and really do what they say. When I come across something that is amazing I love to pass it on and save other people time and money. I am a stay at home mother of two and a former teacher. I have been married to my best friend for five years.

My dream is to become a published author and I hope one day I can share that fantastic news with everyone. I am so happy to be part of the review team and love the opportunity to share my thoughts with everyone on the interesting stuff I find!

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I live in sunny FL with my husband of 23 years and our gorgeous teenage son. I started writing my blog Everyday Life 8 years at the urging of friends to share my writing. Since then I have written about everything from poetry to travel. When I’m not being a trophy wife or cool band mom I enjoy traveling, curling up with a good book or letting my dance moves free at a concert.
My dream is to be a published poet but till then you can find me planning my next adventure or curled up in my favorite chair reading. I am happy to be part of this team and hope that my words inspire you in some small way.